About this project
“The essay as forms of rewriting: Cixous to Montaigne” is a translation of Mireille Calle-Gruber’s piece “L’essai comme forme de réécriture: Cixous à Montaigne”, originally published in Études françaises vol. 40, n° 1, 2004, p. 29-42 (doi.org/10.7202/008474ar). In this essay Mireille Calle-Gruber, who has worked closely with Hélène Cixous and co-authored a book with her in 1994, explores the essayistic nature of the writer’s work by drawing its lineage back to Montaigne’s own lifework Les Essais. Drawing on a number of Hélène Cixous’ books, Mireille Calle-Gruber writes about the genealogical and generative forces of literature, the human condition and the kitchen of literature.
This interdisciplinary translation project was funded by Arts Council England, through the Developing your Creative Practice scheme, and undertaken by Caroline Rabourdin in collaboration with translator Sophie Lewis and graphic designer Matthew Chrislip. The aim of this project is to consider the translation process from a visual as well as a literary perspective, paying close attention to the multiplicity of the text, the possibility of multiple choices, and the possibility of not choosing.
Site designed by Matthew Chrislip
Site developed by Julia Novitch and Alejandro Bellón Ample